Tuesday, May 09, 2017

25 Ways to Glamp up the Mother’s Day Weekend Camping Experience!

Last year, I asked a large group of outdoor-loving moms what their families could do to make their Mother’s Day weekend camping trip just a little bit more special, perhaps a little more comfortable, and completely “spoil a mom” worthy!

How will you make mom feel special this weekend?

Originally printed in a local magazine last season, I wanted to publish this story online to get these fun tips and suggestions out there again for this Mother's Day weekend.

Laughter aside, “Make my weekend special by not taking me camping,” “Take the kids camping and leave me at home for some peace and quiet,”  or “Tell me we are going camping and then take me away to an all-inclusive,” these moms had a lot of great suggestions I’d like to share with you.

Taking a moment to soak in the peace and quiet at camp

25 Ways you can Spoil us and Make us feel Special on this Mother’s Day Weekend Camping Trip

  1. Be the first one out of the tent in the morning, start the fire, make the coffee, and let me sleep in

  2. Take the kids fishing or for a hike in the morning and leave me with my coffee and Baileys for an hour

  3. Sneak a bottle of bubbly into the cooler for my morning orange juice. (Mimosas anyone?)

  4.  Do all the planning, organizing and packing for the family (and not at the last minute so that a bunch of stuff is missing) – Bonus points if you can even prepare the snacks and entertainment for the kids for the drive out!

  5.  Pre-make a nice dinner for Saturday night. (Something other than hotdogs and hamburgers) – and don’t forget a yummy campfire dessert

  6. Buy wine and a cake, and put them in the bottom of the cooler so I don't see them, then surprise me with it after dinner one night

  7.  I'm hoping for some “mom time” with a book in a camping chair and a cold beverage – Bonus points if you know my favourite kind of beer or splurge on the good wine!

  8. Pack and prepare all the things needed to help the kids make a craft to remember the weekend

  9. Make a playlist of my favourite songs to listen to by the campfire

  10. Think up a nicer than just cereal breakfast for Saturday morning. Bonus points if I get served in bed and if you remember the Baileys for the coffee!

  11. Make all the meals, do the dishes, and take care of all camp chores for me this weekend

  12. Invite my mom and dad to come with us so that we can celebrate Mother’s Day together (and perhaps even take off for a bike ride or hike without the kids for an hour or two)

  13. Take me glamping (think yurt, wall tent, cabin, teepee…)

  14. Find a trailer for the weekend!  I’m too old to tent it anymore

  15. Plan a special family hike or bike ride with a picnic lunch (that I don’t have to plan for or pack) – Bonus points if we have the picnic near a stream,  lake, or waterfall where the  kids can play and I can enjoy a nice relaxing lunch and maybe a glass of wine

  16. Take me OUT to eat in a nearby town for Saturday night dinner or for Sunday brunch (I hear the Banff Springs Hotel has a great brunch – hint, hint)

  17. Plan some special one- on-one time for us as a couple after the kids are in bed (think cheese fondue, a special dessert, a nice bottle of wine, a new board game, etc.)

  18. Get a professional house-cleaner to clean the house while we're away

  19. Wine, wine, wine

  20. Plan a day trip to a mountain spa for me while you amuse the kids (and I hear that the spa at the Banff Springs Hotel or at the Delta Kananaskis Lodge are both amazing!)

  21. Help the kids to make me a homemade card made from treasures found on our weekend hikes (think pinecones, leaves, wild flowers, etc.)

  22. Buy me a new book for the weekend or upgrade a piece of my camping gear (new sleeping bag or camp chair perhaps?)

  23. Give me a night off from having to put the kids to bed so that I can sit by the campfire or relax in the hammock with a book

  24. Invite some of our best friends to come camping with us so that I have girlfriends to socialize/hike/bike with while you dads take care of the kids for an afternoon

  25. Make me feel special with simple things like a colourful table cloth for the picnic table with a camping mug used as a vase to put wildflowers into and bring me a nice big camping chair with a nice bright pillow for me to read my book in while you take the kids for a walk

So there you have it dads. Pick one idea above and treat that special mom to a little bit of extra peace and "chill time" at camp this weekend.

Add a book and a bottle of wine, and this is where I'd chill this weekend

This story was originally printed in Alberta's RV and Resort Magazine, no longer in publication.

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